Wednesday 26 September 2012


It's 11:00 pm and I am tired of being tired.  I am tired of fighting this battle.  It's time I start to change my thinking, change the way I act and react.  It's time to take care of my self, to meet my needs, to feed my soul and allow by body and mind to heal.

I begin this journey be creating a new way of living.  What ever I have been doing for 38 years has not worked, so its time to discover who I am.  Actually, who ever I am, I am here.  I don't have to go looking for me, because, I am here, right now.  So, there lies my first problem.  I am trying to solve my problem by looking out there when the solution is already here, within me.

So, here we go.  On a journey of recovery and discovery.  Hope you enjoy the ride.  It's gonna get pretty messy at times, however, over time, there will be less of a mess to clean up, and much more joy present.  My journey begins.  My journey has begun.  God is with me.  God is so distant at the moment.  Not sure where He is, however, He knows exactly where He is and He knows where I am and where I am going.  I wish I knew what his plans were for me.  Don't we all!!!

Let's get going here folks!!!

Fasten your seat belt, get out the tissue and running shoes, our training begins.  My journey starts.  A new chapter is being written now!!!